Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Jan 29 - Feb 5

Most recent articles (newest articles listed first)

Open access

Adsorption of SARS‐CoV‐2 Spike Protein S1 at Oxide Surfaces Studied by High‐Speed Atomic Force Microscopy

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Adsorption of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein S1 at Oxide Surfaces Studied by High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy Issue 2, 2021


The cover image shows the adsorption of SARS-CoV-2 at metal-based fomite surfaces. The spike protein subunit S1 is the outermost point of the viral envelope and thus mediates the initial contact between the virus and the fomite surface. High-speed atomic force microscopy movies reveal that S1 protein adsorption proceeds faster at TiO2 surfaces than at Al2O3 surfaces. More details can be found in article number 2000024 by Adrian Keller and co-workers

Open access

Epithelial response to IFN‐γ promotes SARS‐CoV‐2 infection

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IFN-γ is a strong driver of ACE2 expression in human colon organoids Differentiation of colon organoids after IFN-γ treatment Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) induces differentiation into enterocytes and upregulates Ace2 expression in murine colon organoids IFN-γ increases infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 in colonic organoids Infection of air–liquid interface culture and tracking of SARS-CoV-2-infected organoids SARS-CoV-2 induces IFN-γ gene expression signature and promotes differentiation Analysis of pan-JAK inhibition upon IFN-γ treatment and SARS-CoV-2 infection Epithelial response to IFN-γ promotes SARS-CoV-2 infection Issue 4, 2021

Immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 are inefficient in a subset of patients. Here, we used human colonic organoids to ask how IFN-γ, a central antiviral mediator, affects epithelial differentiation and infection with SARS-CoV-2. We find that IFN-γ promotes cellular differentiation into ACE2-expressing enterocytes, enabling efficient infection and high virus replication.

Open access

Ten principles for generating accessible and useable COVID‐19 environmental science and a fit‐for‐purpose evidence base

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Ten principles for generating accessible and useable COVID-19 environmental science and a fit-for-purpose evidence base Issue 1, 2021

Ten Key Principles for a Robust COVID-19 Environmental Evidence Base that Avoids Research Waste and is Resilient to the Pressures to Publish Urgently.

Open access

Management considerations for a critically ill 26‐gestational week patient with COVID‐19: A case report

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Management considerations for a critically ill 26-gestational week patient with COVID-19: A case report Issue 3, 2021

Early aggressive management of pregnant women who are severely or critically ill with COVID-19 by a multidisciplinary team is key to minimizing complications and early recovery.

Open access

COVID‐19 infection in patients with connective tissue disease: A multicity study in Hubei province, China

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COVID-19 infection in patients with connective tissue disease: A multicity study in Hubei province, China Issue 1, 2021

A total of 100 patients with rheumatic disease and COVID-19 were collected from 23 centers in Hubei, China. COVID-19 in patients with connective tissue disease was more severe compared to patients with ankylosing spondylitis or gout. Hydroxychloroquine therapy and low-dose glucocorticoids before diagnosis of COVID-19 reduced the progression of COVID-19 to severe/critical conditions.

Open access

Glycemic control in children and teenagers with type 1 diabetes around lockdown for COVID‐19: A continuous glucose monitoring‐based observational study

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Glycemic control in children and teenagers with type 1 diabetes around lockdown for COVID-19: A continuous glucose monitoring-based observational study Issue 9, 2021

Glycemic control did not deteriorate in type 1 diabetes patients around the COVID-19 pandemics. There was a small, but significant, improvement in hypoglycemia in people with type 1 diabetes during lockdown for COVID-19, but such improvement disappeared after lockdown. A stable and relaxed lifestyle might lead to better glycemic control, but lifestyle changes might not provide a long-term effect.

Graphene: A Disruptive Opportunity for COVID‐19 and Future Pandemics?

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Graphene: A Disruptive Opportunity for COVID-19 and Future Pandemics? Issue 10, 2021

The present pandemic has motivated researchers with different backgrounds to fight against SARS-CoV-2. Graphene-related materials present numerous benefits for new antiviral solutions. The interaction of graphene-related materials with viruses, their virucidal activity, and their possible use in antiviral coatings and sensing devices for fast and reliable detection are highlighted.

Effects of COVID-19 lockdown measures on emergency plastic and reconstructive surgery presentations

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Effects of COVID-19 lockdown measures on emergency plastic and reconstructive surgery presentations Issue 3, 2021

This study prospectively explore changes in plastic and reconstructive surgery emergency presentations during the Australian COVID-19 lockdown. Comparisons are made to two previous time periods. Statistically significant increases in do-it-yourself injuries, bicycle injuries, injuries under the influence of drugs and head and neck injuries resulting from animal bites and falls are identified. Furthermore, the study highlights the need for ongoing resource allocation for the management of surgical emergencies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Open access

Graphene Sheets with Defined Dual Functionalities for the Strong SARS‐CoV‐2 Interactions

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Graphene Sheets with Defined Dual Functionalities for the Strong SARS-CoV-2 Interactions Issue 11, 2021

Present work shows that both electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions play a key role at the graphene/coronavirus interfaces and such materials can efficiently protect cells from coronavirus infections. While electrostatic interactions are responsible for the capturing of viruses, hydrophobic long alkyl chains can disrupt the envelop of the captured virions via hydrophobic interactions leading to a dual effect.

Open access

Contextual factors and the COVID-19 outbreak rate across U.S. counties in its initial phase

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Contextual factors and the COVID-19 outbreak rate across U.S. counties in its initial phase Issue 1, 2021

This study simultaneously tests contextual factors at the county  and state level on the initial phases of the COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S., using a multilevel linear model.

Machine learning techniques to detect and forecast the daily total COVID‐19 infected and deaths cases under different lockdown types

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Machine learning techniques to detect and forecast the daily total COVID-19 infected and deaths cases under different lockdown types Issue 7, 2021

Optimized data set model is proposed to predict 10 thinspacedays ahead of lung infection and death cases due to COVID-19. The model predicted results very close to the actual values. The best policy to control infection and death cases was the Herd lockdown strategy.

Open access

Short-term chemosensory distortions and phantoms in COVID-19

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Short-term chemosensory distortions and phantoms in COVID-19 Issue 2, 2021

In the COVID+ cohort, a higher rate of absent smell or taste is associated with a higher rate of chemosensory distortions compared to the COVID− cohort. COVID+, N=176; COVID−, N=188.

Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic first wave and public policy on elective and emergency surgery provision in Southern Queensland

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Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic first wave and public policy on elective and emergency surgery provision in Southern Queensland Issue 3, 2021

International literature has demonstrated that COVID-19 and public health initiatives have greatly impacted elective and emergency surgery provision. Our study showed a 34% decrease in elective surgery provision during 1 March to 24 April in a major health service operating in South East Queensland. However, there was a far smaller (12%) decrease in emergency caseload despite these initiatives.

Open access

Timing of VV‐ECMO therapy implementation influences prognosis of COVID‐19 patients

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Timing of VV-ECMO therapy implementation influences prognosis of COVID-19 patients Issue 3, 2021

Time-course of COVID-19 pneumoniafrom the onset of symptoms to the decision to implement VV-ECMO according to the results of this study. HFNO, high-flow nasal oxygen; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure

Open access

SARS CoV‐2 related microvascular damage and symptoms during and after COVID‐19: Consequences of capillary transit‐time changes, tissue hypoxia and inflammation

Graphical Abstract

SARS CoV-2 related microvascular damage and symptoms during and after COVID-19: Consequences of capillary transit-time changes, tissue hypoxia and inflammation Issue 3, 2021

COVID-19-related microvascular damage and inflammation may cause tissue hypoxia via transit-time effects and disturb neurotransmitter synthesis in the brain. The duration of COVID-19 symptoms and the long-term health effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection may rely on whether disease-related capillary damage is reversible.

Open access

Lingonberry polyphenols: Potential SARS‐CoV‐2 inhibitors as nutraceutical tools?

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Lingonberry polyphenols: Potential SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors as nutraceutical tools? Issue 3, 2021

Proposed pathway of the effect of lingonberry polyphenols on oral microbial (viral) load reduction and consequent beneficial local and systemic (respiratory tract) anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial/antiviral effects.

Open access

Pattern of circulating SARS‐CoV‐2‐specific antibody‐secreting and memory B‐cell generation in patients with acute COVID‐19

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Pattern of circulating SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody-secreting and memory B-cell generation in patients with acute COVID-19 Issue 2, 2021

In this study, we evaluated the frequencies of plasmablasts and memory B cells that specifically target the SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain. Our findings reveal that SARS-CoV-2-specific memory B cells are generated during the acute phase of COVID-19. These findings can serve as a basis for further studies on the longevity of SARS-CoV-2-specific B cell memory.

Open access

Exosome therapeutics for COVID‐19 and respiratory viruses

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Exosome therapeutics for COVID-19 and respiratory viruses Issue 3, 2021

The delivery of exosomes, a naturally secreted extracellular vesicle, yields therapeutic effects for a variety of diseases, including viral infection. Exosomes and viruses utilize similar endosomal sorting pathways and mechanisms, providing exosomes with the potential to serve as a therapeutic that can target, bind, and suppress cellular uptake of various viruses including the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

Racial residential segregation and economic disparity jointly exacerbate COVID‐19 fatality in large American cities

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Racial residential segregation and economic disparity jointly exacerbate COVID-19 fatality in large American cities Issue 1, 2021

We examined whether racial residential segregation and income inequality jointly predict the growth rate of both COVID-19 cases and deaths in the first 30-day period of county-wise outbreaks. We predicted that the progression of the virus spread would be faster in counties located in MSAs with a high level of Black-White and Hispanic-White segregation. Second, we also predicted that this effect of segregation should be augmented for counties higher in income inequality. That is, the impact of COVID-19 would be the greatest when high segregation is combined with high income inequality.